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Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Jepara and Furniture Uncategorized 11:07 AM



 Jepara , when we heard the name ,always ringing in our you heads peculiarto him,
namely Carving Wood / Furniture. Jepara known as the town in thedistrict of Jepara
carving because a lot of the wood carver ukiranya results scattered throughout 
Indonesia and even in overseas imports .
   In addition, the district of Jepara also known as the hometown of the heroine
Indonesia, RA Kartini .Here are some list of sights or attractions in Jepara,Jepara
you can visit when you vacation time with family arrived .
   Woodworking in Jepara is something that can not be separated from Jepara .That 
led to the idea that in Jepara , there is nothing else that can be visited in addition
to places of craft wood carving or Woodcarving Village.
   Jepara city besides famous carving town , also has a natural beauty that is very beautiful ,
especially with the natural beauty of its beaches. As a city located in the northern region
of the island of Java would not be surprised if Jepara has a considerable tourist beaches .
Actually there are many tourist places in the district of Jepara, there is the famous tourist
beach , because it is close to the sea Jepara regency . These are some of the sites frequented
both by locals or from outside the district of Jepara .

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